
Spelling List

June 19-28

Have a great summer!  Spelling is complete for the year!

June 12-14

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix be-.  A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning to form a new word.

The prefix be- means placement.  Beindicates relative placement, as in below or between.

  1. between
  2. before
  3. begone
  4. beyond
  5. become
  6. befriend
  7. beside
  8. beneath
  9. because
  10. believe
  11. beginning
  12. beloved
  13. beware
  14. belong

June 5-7

No spelling test this week.  Please preview the prefix be- on the spelling list words for next week.

May 29-31

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix bi- and tri-.  A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning to form a new word.

The prefix bi- means "two" and can be remembered with the word bicycle, meaning two wheels.  The prefix tri- means "three" and can be remembers with the word tricycle, meaning three wheels.

  1. bicycle
  2. tricycle
  3. biceps
  4. triceps
  5. bipod
  6. tripod
  7. biplane
  8. triangle
  9. binocular
  10. tricolour
  11. bilateral
  12. trio
  13. biography
  14. triplets

May 22-24

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix uni-.  A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word.

The prefix uni- which means “one” is an important prefix in the English language. For instance, the prefix uni-gave rise to the words unicycle, uniform, and unison. Perhaps the easiest way to remember that uni-means “one” is through the word unicorn, or mythological horse that had “one” horn.

  1. unit
  2. universe
  3. uniform
  4. unite
  5. university
  6. community
  7. unicycle
  8. union
  9. reunion
  10. unified
  11. universal
  12. unicorn
  13. unison
  14. reunite

May 15-17

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix un-.  A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word.

The prefix un, means "not".  It is the negative or opposite in adjectives, adverbs, and nouns.  If you are unemployed, you are not employed.

  1. unwise
  2. underdog
  3. untold
  4. unsold
  5. unpleasant
  6. unfold
  7. ungrateful
  8. undercover
  9. underpaid
  10. unpublished
  11. uncorked
  12. undesirable
  13. unspeakable
  14. unanswered

May 8-10

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix dis-.   A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word.

The prefix dis, which means apart is a negative prefix.  If you disagree, you are not agreeing.

dis+like = dislike
dis+appear = disappear
dis+prove = disprove

  1. dismiss
  2. disappear
  3. disturb
  4. dismantle
  5. disgrace
  6. distance
  7. disrupt
  8. disjointed
  9. disbelief
  10. disprove
  11. discard
  12. distaste
  13. disconnect
  14. display

April 24-26

This week's spelling strategy is on words with the prefix re-.  A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word (e.g.- return, rerun).

The prefix re, which means again. If you retake a test, you are taking the test again. 

re+turn = return
re+run = rerun
re+visit = revisit

1. refrain
2. remember
3. rebuilt
4. reconsider
5. restart
6. rewrite
7. reread
8. replant
9. reenter
10. replay
11. redo
12. reuse
13. reduce
14. repeat
15. recycle (bonus)

April 17-18

This weeks spelling strategy is on words ending with -all.  Some of the words follow the Consonant + all pattern.

f + all = fall
b + all = ball
c + all = call

In addition to words ending in -all, compound words are included.

Example:  rain + fall = rainfall, basket + ball = basketball

Here is the spelling list:

  1. hall
  2. eyeball
  3. rainfall
  4. baseball
  5. fall
  6. nightfall
  7. pitfall
  8. enthrall
  9. overall
  10. wall
  11. downfall
  12. waterfall
  13. recall
  14. windfall

April 10-12

This week's spelling strategy will focus on word ending -tion.  Ex. tradition, location, complication.

Finding out the root word will help you spell the word with -tion.

If the root word ends in "t", use -tion.

Complete = Completion (don't forget to drop the before you add -tion)

Locate = Location (don't forget to drop the e before you add -tion)

Complicate = Complication (don't forget to drop the before you add -tion)

Transport = Transportation (don't forget to add an a before you add -tion)